Guys, this family has my heart. Yes, yes, I know I say that I love all my families. I do, because they all have this unique light to bring to the world. The Hallfords are some of my best friends. They are people I get to do real life with and I am so lucky to have them.
I met Chelsea 7ish years ago doing something we both were unsure about, watching the Bachelor. Yes, we would go to a friend’s house to have a pot-luck dinner and watch with a bunch of girls. Though The Bachelor was never something I could get really into, I loved being with the girls. I loved having a group of friends to see once a week. Chelsea came one time randomly and it was instant friendship. I can’t even explain except that it just clicked and we have been friends ever since.
When they had their son River, I couldn’t be more excited for them to join the parent club. Two, super cool, interesting, lovely humans made another human. Let me tell you, he is the coolest. I mean, just look at that smile. If any child were so unashamedly full of joy, that is River. I like hanging out with him. Yep, even without my kids.
We had an awesome time down in RINO, celebrating a little bit of the in-between moments. Squeezing in some friend time and being creative. Did I say I love this family?
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